About Us

Hello and welcome to my About Us page.

Every job I have done in the past has led me to the point I am at today and it is interesting. Those unusual jobs you take when on a working holiday, or those early jobs you do after leaving school all play a part in the skills I require to do the job I now do.

Born in 1970 means I now have a wide variety of skills in my data bank that I can draw on, which allows me to be versatile, flexible more and understanding under a wide variety of circumstances. From customer service skills, communication skills, trouble shooting skills, trial and error skills to general life skills, people skills, empathy and understanding skills.

When we are young we hear a lot, ‘Go out and get some experience, then come back and apply for this job’. As a young adult I found this to be frustrating because unless if the employer gave me the opportunity, how was I meant to get the experience? But the older I get, the more I understand what these employers were trying to tell me, although their method of communication left me with more questions than answers at the time.

Regardless if you are young or old, I believe the point about life and all of the interactions we go through is to reflect and ask yourself, ‘what did I just learn?’. It doesn’t have to be formal training and it doesn’t have to occur in the work place. On going learning occurs everyday regardless if you are by yourself, having 1-on-1 training, talking with your parents or mentors or even at a BBQ with your mates. Experience is when you understand more about yourself, when you ask questions like, ‘Why did I react like that? Why do I feel this way? Was that the best path to take? What could I have done differently?’

Everyone has a choice but many don’t realise they even have a choice.

Everyone’s belief system is based on their upbringing and ongoing experiences but there is no right or wrong belief system, if fact whatever your belief system is, someone else will have the complete opposite. In life, you will clash with these people, for some reason you will have a negative reaction to these people, you will have a gut instinct that just doesn’t sit right. It is from these people that you can learn the most about yourself. As mentioned there is no belief system that is right or wrong.

The trick her is your emotions and you have the ability to change your emotions instantly. Have you ever watched a comedy that has such a sad and touching moment within the movie that you find yourself crying, but straight after a joke is made and instantly you find yourself laughing although tears are still in your eyes? How can these two emotions occur almost simultaneously? Have you ever been driving in your car and the person in front of you cuts you off, you get frustrated and angry only to pull up to the car at the next set of lights to find them with a sympathetic hand gesture apologising for their bad driving? Your anger somewhat subsides, then later down the road you reflect and remember when you accidentally cut another driver off yourself and you then realise, the person who cut you off didn’t mean to, it was an honest mistake that actually caused no harm, but why did you get so angry in the first place.

Those who can control their emotions when there belief system is challenged, or when an event pushes them out of their comfort zone, or in the case of the car incident, when an event pushes you into a predetermined response,  will enjoy a more stress free life. If you can understand why you react to certain things in a certain way but before you do, catch yourself in the moment, can change your emotional response as you see fit.

The more I reflect whilst in the moment, the more consistent I can be with my emotional responses and the better I can serve you because I will be fully engaged with regards to what you want and need. The more I can understand your requirements the better I can tailor my solution to your needs.

Above may all sound a little arty-farty… the bottom line, with my experience and ability to understand your circumstance to the best of my ability, the better outcomes for you and your business will be achieved.

Thank you


Gavin Daniell

Founder and Managing Director

E: admin@grdcorp.com.au

W: grdcorp.com.au